Friday, May 6, 2011

Blog #4: What I can add to Wikipedia

      • The names and direct URLs for two or three Wikipedia entries that are most closely related to your topic

        Low-power broadcasting

        Broadcast Relay Station


        Radio broadcasting

      • Any missing information or points of view on these pages that you could contribute.

    • These pages do not seem to contain any significant historical background on how the radio started, and I think that including this in the LPFM page would allow readers to better understand a more holistic picture of how LPFM came to be.

    • These pages also do not contain information about LPFM in other parts of the world other than Europe, Canada, New Zealand and United States. It would be interesting to compare and contrast how Asian countries' legislation deals with LPFM stations.

    • It would be beneficial to add a list of LPFM stations across the country in the LPFM page. There are separate pages for different LPFM stations but to see them all listed (perhaps even by country) all under one topic (one page) would allow for a better overview and understanding of the different types that exist.

    • It would also be good to add a definition for third adjacent channel stations to clarify what this actual means and to eliminate confusion. This topic comes up very often in the descriptions of the legal acts.